Statistics of digital library

Number of objects: 2 825 (including 2 825 published and 0 planned objects)

Readers on-line: 7

Total number of users since 2011-12-15: 31 308 176

General statistics


Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file
Summary number of displayed objects
Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file
Summary number of new objects
Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file
Summary number of object downloads
Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file

Number of new objects added in different formats


stat chart

The number in parentheses is the total number of objects with content for a given format

  1. DJVU [1 184]
  2. PDF [2 656]
  3. Photo gallery [0]
  4. Audio [0]
  5. Video [0]
  6. EPUB [0]
  7. MOBI [0]
  8. Undefined format [56]
Number of content views for different formats


stat chart2

The number in parentheses is the total number of content views requested for a given format

  1. DJVU [79 262]
  2. PDF [474 057]
  3. Photo gallery [0]
  4. Audio [0]
  5. Video [0]
  6. EPUB [0]
  7. MOBI [0]
  8. Undefined format [3 460]


Ranking by total number of objects


stat chart

Number in brackets is a number of all objects which metadata description contains given attribute value.

  1. 20 w. [1182]
  2. 19 w. [199]
  3. 21 w. [142]
  4. 1901-2000 [14]
  5. 1801-1900 [13]
  6. 16 w. [9]
  7. 1601-1700 [6]
  8. 17 w. [5]
  9. 1701-1800 [4]
  10. 18 w. [3]
  11. 1501-1600 [3]
  12. 2001- [2]
  13. 1301-1400 [2]
  14. 1201-1300 [2]
  15. 10-18 w. [2]
  16. Do 16 w. [1]
  17. 2 [1]
  18. 18-19 w. [1]
  19. 15 w. [1]
  20. 1401-1500 [1]
  21. 14 w. [1]
  22. 13-14 w. [1]
Ranking by number of viewed objects


stat chart2

Number in brackets is a sum of all reads of objects which metadata description contains given attribute value.

  1. 20 w. [129552]
  2. 21 w. [41285]
  3. 1901-2000 [9211]
  4. 2001- [7762]
  5. 19 w. [6011]
  6. 1801-1900 [2262]
  7. 1601-1700 [2115]
  8. 1501-1600 [1270]
  9. 1701-1800 [876]
  10. 1301-1400 [781]
  11. 1401-1500 [481]
  12. 1201-1300 [324]
  13. 10-18 w. [162]
  14. 2 [142]
  15. Do 16 w. [93]
  16. 13-14 w. [92]
  17. 17 w. [86]
  18. 18 w. [72]
  19. 16 w. [58]
  20. 18-19 w. [20]
  21. 14 w. [13]
  22. 15 w. [1]